CTBD CPA Limited
A registered firm of AFRC

In City Business Dynamic Company Limited you will find seasoned professionals in accounting, auditing and company secretarial services. Our team had supported more than 300 Small and middle enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong from registration, daily operations, to corporate governance.

Our team consists of Certified Public Accountants and had obtained TCSP Licensee No. TC000015 of Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers, Companies Registry.

We speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Japanese.

When you need reliable, experienced advice, contact CBD.

Eric Cheng (Director)
Tel : +852 5802 0102
email : eric.cheng@cbdcpahk.com

Ray Wong (Director)
Tel : +852 5802 0101
email : ray.wong@cbdcpahk.com

Chris Siu (Manager)
Tel : +852 5802 0104
email : chris.siu@cbdcpahk.com

Bowie Au (Japanese Coordinator)
Tel : +852 5802 0111
email : bowie.au@cbdcpahk.com
